Tiger Lily is used for some very common Elixirs like Elixir of Mighty Strength and Spellpower Elixir. In addition to this, the hydrophilic herb is also required to make the Mighty Alchemists Stone, which is very useful for Alchemists, especially early on.
Adder’s Tongue Farming Guide Wrath
The only zone in which Adder’s Tongue can be found is Sholazar Basin. The herb grows everywhere in Sholazar Basin, and it’s not limited to specific areas like trees, water, rocks or open areas. Adder’s Tongue is one of the more expensive herbs in Wrath Classic.
Lichbloom Farming Guide Wrath
Lichbloom is by far the most sought-after herb in all of Wrath of the Lich King. It is used in so many high-end reciped that are needed for raiding that it’s price will likely skyrocket early on. Lichbloom needs a Skill of 425 to pick.
Saronite Ore Farming Guide Wrath
Saronite Ore mostly spawns in the higher level areas of Wrath Classic. Just like Cobalt Ore, it can also spawn as a Regular Saronite Deposit or as a Rich Saronite Deposit.
Icethorn Farming Guide Wrath
Icethorn is one of the high-end herbs of Wrath Classic, and it only spawns in the Storm Peaks, Icecrown and Wintergrasp. Most of the time, Lichbloom and Icethron share spawn points, and one of the two can spawn in the same location.
Cobalt Ore Farming Guide Wrath
Cobalt Ore Deposits are most common in the Borean Tundra and Dragonblight. There are also some Deposits in other, higher level zones. In those zones, Saronite Ore takes most of the spawns, though.
Goldclover Farming Guide Wrath
There are three zones in which Goldclover can be farmed well: Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra and Sholazar Basin. Goldclover generally spawns in open areas of the zones.
Wrath Inscription Guide 1 – 450
Leveling Inscription to 450 is quite fast and the materials needed for it are typically very cheap, since all you need is a bunch of herbs of all skill levels to mill.
Talandra’s Rose Farming Guide Wrath
While Talandra’s Rose is not a material for any Flask, it is used in the creation of Icy Mana Potions and Powerful Rejuvenation Potion. Talandra’s Rose is most commonly found in the southern areas of Zul’Drak.