Scholomance outside area

How to get the Scholomance key in WoW

Scholomance is one of the key high level dungeons that many people will run to get their pre-raid gear. There are even some epics that can drop here. In the early days, when not many people have the key to this dungeon, you can get quite good tips for opening the door for others…

The best Professions in Classic WoW

If you are just looking for the best profession to make gold in classic WoW, the Gathering Professions will most likely be the right choice for you. The easiest combinations are Skinning/Mining or Skinning/Herbalism. Especially while leveling, Skinning is…

onyxia flying

Onyxia’s Lair Attunement Guide for Alliance&Horde

The Drakefire Amulet At the end of the long quest chain that is the Onyxia’s Lair Attunement, the player acquires the Drakefire Amulet. This amulet is required in the players inventory in order to enter, though it doesn’t need to be worn. In the following Post, I will go through the steps for Alliance and Horde to get the Drakefire Amulet.

arathi highlands elementals map

Farming low level Elementals for Gold & Mount

The Arathi Highlands are an amazing zone for farming low level Elementals. While all the types of Elementals are present in this zone, there can be a lot of competition here, so try not to focus too much on one type! You can switch between these spots pretty quickly if there are too many people.

disgusting oozeling pet

Farming rare pets in Classic Wow

Indroduction Rare pets in classic wow can sell for massive sums of gold due to their low drop chance. When farming for these pets, expect to kill a lot of the same enemy (most likely in the thousands). In the following sections I will go over the locations and drop rates of the most rare pets in classic wow, that …

blizzard news icon

Release Date, Beta and Layering in Classic WoW

When is the Classic WoW release Date? The Classic WoW release will be on August 27th, 2019. It will be released at the same time all around the world. More information about time zones can be found in the original news post from Blizzard here. The testing schedule for Classic WoW Before the classic wow release, there needs to be …

Felwood Satyr felcloth farming

Felcloth Farming in Classic WoW

With a drop rate of 4% at both spots, Felcloth is one of the biggest gold makers at this spot. Apart from Runecloth of course, although there are better spots for farming that specifically. Felcloth sells for 3-5 gold per piece. Depending on your kill speed, you can get pretty good gold per hour at this spot, anywhere from 70-100 gold per hour.